Russian exports of pet food increased by 1.5 times in 2020


In January–August 2020, Russia exported 79 thousand tons of dog and cat food, which is 72% more than in the same period last year (data from the Eurasian Economic Union for January–July). In value terms, deliveries increased by 53% to $99 million.

In recent years, the number of countries importing pet food from Russia has steadily increased. If in 2017 there were 19 of them, in 2019 — 22 countries, and in January–August 2020 — the list of countries to which Russia supplies contains 27 names. The major buyers are the closest neighbours. About 30% of exported dog and cat food go to Belarus (20 thousand tons for $34 million), 20% — to Kazakhstan (20 thousand tons for $19 million), 10% — to Ukraine (6.2 thousand tons for $10 million).

In 2020, deliveries began to Belgium (218 tons), the Netherlands (173 tons) and the Czech Republic (74 tons), as well as to Vietnam and Bulgaria. In June, the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance approved supplies of prepared pet food and supplements from Russia to Hong Kong.

According to AgroExport, the Federal center for export development of agricultural products of the Ministry of agriculture of Russia, in future Russia can diversify supplies by expanding to other developing countries, including Asian markets.


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