International Summer Dog Puller Championship has named its winners

This summer, due to quarantine restrictions, the international championship moved to a video format. The competition gathered 73 sports pairs from 10 countries: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Hungary, Portugal, Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Japan and Slovenia. Participants recorded videos of their performances and uploaded them to YouTube for evaluation by a team of judges.

Two pairs from Russia are among the winners: Ekaterina Makarova and her dog Runa, and Tatyana Timokhina with her dog Turma. They received cash prizes. The full list of winners is published on the Championship’s Facebook page.

The athletes who took part in the competition were happy with the organization of the contest and the well-coordinated work of the judging team.

According to Varvara Petrenko, President of the International Dog Puller Federation, special webinars will help to further develop the sport. It is not yet known if the next Championships will also go online. This, of course, depends on anti-epidemic measures and the opening of borders between countries.

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