MVC and the Companion Forum merge

The hosts of Moscow International Veterinary Congress and the Companion practical forum announced on May 18th, 2020 that the two educational events are going to merge.

As a result, the XXIX Moscow Veterinary Congress will take place at the Crocus Expo conference hall in April 2021.

At the same time Companion-VET will be hosting its elective courses there, followed by specialized conferences for professional communities (breeders, groomers, trainers, behaviorists, handlers, horse breeders, animal charities and shelters, etc.) during the last two days of the Congress. The idea is to organize the two events in joint format every year.

Sergey Sereda, the president of Russian Small Animal Veterinary Association, commented on the merger: “We want to offer a completely new format. Our mission is to unite in one space all those who work with small pets, give these people knowledge, opportunities and a common communication platform.”

“Together, we can always achieve more and make things better,” added Gennady Stepanov, director of the Companion forum.

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