Pet food supplies from Belgium to Russia stop

ban pet food Belgium

Rosselkhoznadzor applied to the Veterinary Service of Belgium with a request to suspend the certification of animal food and food components exported to Russia. The reason for that was that within a laboratory monitoring unregistered GM components in horse feed from the Belgian company Interagri Dumoulin S.A. (ABE4016) were discovered.

This is the eighth case of GMO detection in nutrition products from Belgium since 2018.

Earlier, the Russian regulator had already informed the veterinary service of Belgium that in case violations continue, the supply of animal food and food ingredients and supplements from Belgium to Russia might be limited. RSN had required to stop GM products exporting and undergoing the procedure of their registration in the Russian Federation. However, the Veterinary Service of Belgium ignored the requirements.

The inspection of Belgian enterprises exporting animal food products to Russia carried out by the Rosselkhoznadzor in September 2021 resulted in that the Belgian veterinary service has an uncertain effectiveness of the control system. Rosselkhoznadzor specialists identified a number of systemic deficiencies, including a low level of laboratory control.

In this regard, since October 23, 2021, the RSN prohibits Interagri Dumoulin S.A. product import to Russia. Together with import from all other Belgian animal food factories, which produce animal food including plant origin, chemical and microbiological synthesis.

The cancellation of suspension can be reconsidered only after the Belgian side provides the investigation materials on all identified violations in the supply of food products to Russia.

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