Registration of food supplements subject to a fee

In the State Duma, the draft laws “Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterinary Medicine” and “Amendments to Article 333-33 of Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation” passed in the first reading.

As the Deputy Minister of agriculture of the Russian Federation Ivan Lebedev explained, that as of now the requirement to feed additives registration are established by the Federal law on veterinary medicine and are regulated by the Ministry of Agriculture. However, this approach is outdated and does not comply with current legislation.

If the proposed new standards pass the next reading, the Rosselkhoznadzor (the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance) will have the right to approve the forms of documents for the state food supplements registration, as well as to keep a register of them.

Additives produced in the Russian Federation, imported into the country for scientific research or inspection of samples in the amount necessary for conducting experiments, as well as feed additives intended for export will be exempt from state registration. New additives and supplements produced in Russia, as well as those imported into the country for the first time are to be registered.

Also in the first reading, amendments to the Tax Code were adopted, establishing the amount of state duties for “actions related to the state registration of food additives”. According to these amendments, the state registration of food additives will cost 85.000 rubles (Euro 900). Changing the registration dossier for a registered food additive will cost 7.700 rubles (Euro 90), and if an expert examination is required, the price will be 35.000 rubles (Euro 400).

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