Russian Pet Business Summit – meeting face to face


Text: Yulia Dolzhenkova
Photo: ARTIS-Expo

The fifth Russian Pet Business Summit took place on 7–9th of April in Sochi. It brought together 245 leaders of 133 pet industry companies from 30 cities of all regions of Russia.

87 participants representing 20 companies from 7 countries followed the online translation. It broadcasted all presentations, live interviews during the coffee breaks, online participants could ask their questions to the speakers as well. The online part added value and was very much appreciated by those who were not able to visit personally.

Golden sponsors: Bronze sponsors:
Purina ProPlan
Royal Canin
Siberian Cat
Alex Trade Company
Atmosphere sponsor: Protection sponsor: Info sponsor:
Valta Pet Products Apicenna Zooinform

The organizer — ARTIS Expo

The topic of the event was ‘Growth Hacking. Strategies that work’. During the three days of the event top speakers from the pet and other industries were trying to hack the efficiency and growth together with the owners and decision-makers of the major pet business players. Strategy, sales, personal efficiency, finance, digital environment, marketing – these were the topics covered.

The round table was focused at ‘Power of Reinvention’, where its speakers and moderators involved the audience actively and discussed together the most relevant point to grow business in the new reality.

According to the Russian Pet Business Summit attendees, there is a number of values the Summit has – this is what they highlighted in the event app:

– authentic content;
– great networking opportunities;
– excellent organization;
– the quality of speaker and attendees;
– relevance for the industry;
– an efficient platform to present products and brands.

The detail follow together with pictures below. The next Russian Pet Business Summit will take place in April, 2022, in Sochi again and hopefully it will welcome attendees from Russia and other countries who want to join the community and be a part of it.

Sochi is an amazing city in subtropical with easy access to snow mountains, where the Summit attendees ski before or after the event.
Tatiana Katasonova – the moderator of the Summit.
The audience is actively involved.

At allotted day the speakers held workshops, where participants worked in small groups to focus on particular knowledge and skills.

Yury Sinitsa (Collar, Ukraine) shares his story of growth hacking as a part of Industry Insights round.
Coffee-break activities: to be part of the networking, online attendees were able to join the conversation with the attendees on site.

Atmosphere sponsor Valta Pet Products invited everybody to a get-together night:

Networking day and night:

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