Rosselkhoznadzor has explained why the import of pet food from 7 countries to Russia is prohibited

pet food

Rosselkhoznadzor (The Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision) reported that as a result of inspections of foreign pet food manufacturers for dogs and cats, many violations were identified, including the lack of laboratory control over the components of diets and the unknown origin of raw materials. In this regard, the agency has prohibited the import of products from seven European Union countries.

“From 2021 to the present, inspections of more than 70 enterprises producing pet food and feed additives in 14 countries have been conducted. A decision was made to prohibit the import of pet food and feed additives into the Russian Federation from seven countries. These are Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Poland, Latvia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, and Denmark,” Rosselkhoznadzor reported.

The agency clarified that when inspecting pet food and feed additive production in other countries, decisions were made regarding individual enterprises.

During the inspections, Rosselkhoznadzor specialists also identified violations such as the absence of internal control over the movement of raw materials for pet food for dogs and cats, non-compliance with the temperature regime of diet processing, insufficient control by veterinary services of EU member states over the operation of enterprises, the absence of measures against manufacturers when prohibited and harmful substances are detected in pet food, and insufficient veterinary certification for the export of pet food to Russia.

During the last inspection of pet food manufacturers in Italy and France in November 2023, Rosselkhoznadzor revealed the absence of laboratory control over the component composition of pet food declared on the labeling, insufficient temperature processing of raw materials during product manufacturing, and the lack of information and documents about the origin of raw materials used in the production of pet food for cats and dogs, the service emphasized.

Rosselkhoznadzor is currently awaiting information from the competent authorities of Italy and France on the measures taken by the veterinary service and enterprises to address the identified violations.

From our article “Rosselkhoznadzor continues to identify violations in the supply of pet food,” it can be learned which enterprises from Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom, and Belgium currently have resumed certification of pet food for non-productive animals.

Photo: Freepik

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