The largest pet retail chain launched a charity event as a part of the World Day of Animal Sterilization, held…
As of March, 2nd, 2021, Rosselkhoznadzor (Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance) prohibits supplies of all products manufactured by…
According to the Data Insight research agency, in 2020, pet supplies alongside with cosmetics and sports equipment showed the largest…
HeadHunter HR agency summed up the results of the annual “Rating of employers in Russia” — one of the most…
Crave complete dry grain-free high-protein pet food has started on the Russian pet market. Dog line contains food with chicken,…
Over the past six months, the number of specialty pet stores in St. Petersburg has grown significantly. 12 stores of…
S7 Airlines has increased the number of animals allowed in the cabin from two to five. At the same time,…
In the State Duma, the draft laws “Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterinary Medicine” and “Amendments…
The Charitable Foundation of Detsky Mir, the major national retailer in children goods and a relative newcomer on the pet…
SAVARRA LIGHT cat food line for sterilized and obese adult cats is expanded with 6 kg bags. The food is…
The Council of Entrepreneurs of Moscow will be established as a Public and Business Council at the Headquarters for Business…
Neoflox, the new antibacterial medication, is available in tablets. It contains enrofloxacin as an active ingredient. Neoflox has a wide…
In the end of 2020, the Belarusian production site of the VIC Group was audited by the international inspection and…
The mortgage experts at have ranked 20 of Europe’s most densely-populated cities, based on the things that matter most…
In January the largest retail chain in Russia opened stores in Moscow and suburbs, St. Petersburg, Vladimir, Tyumen. Four Paws…
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