It is proposed to allow the sale of veterinary drugs without certification

the sale of veterinary drugs in Russia

In Russia, it is proposed to introduce a moratorium on the certification of imported vaccines and medicines for animals by manufacturers due to the shortage of these veterinary drugs in the country.

The corresponding bill will be submitted to the State Duma shortly. Its authors report a low level of import substitution in this area and the threat of a shortage. Experts partially recognize the problem, pointing out the existence of Russian analogs of medicines and vaccines, but consider them less effective.

A moratorium on the requirement for special certification of imported medicines and vaccines for animals is proposed to be introduced in Russia until January 1, 2026. A special conclusion is required for the implementation of these veterinary drugs. Such a bill is prepared for submission to the State Duma by deputies of the LDPR faction led by Leonid Slutsky.

Photo: adragan / AdobeStock

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