It became known which types of shopping arouse more interest among Russians

shopping for Russians

The analytical service of Russian Standard Bank found that Russians prefer online shopping, but buyers’ interest in traditional shopping in stores is also growing. The share of e-com in the total number of purchases from January to September 2023 was 60%, and offline payments — 40%. A year earlier, this figure was 63% versus 37%, also in favor of online.

The average receipt for one online purchase for three quarters of 2023 was €11,4, and offline — €14,43.

According to the bank, the top three largest expenses, depending on the number of online transactions for the three quarters of this year, included clothing and footwear stores (average bill €11,41), paying for tickets to museums and exhibitions (average bill €1,22), payment for orders in supermarkets (average bill €3,56). The top three most popular spending categories, depending on the number of offline purchases in January — September 2023, included supermarkets (average bill €4,32), fast food (average bill €3,4) and restaurants (average bill €17,07).

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