Russians prefer domestically produced pet food

pet food

Petexpert, a manufacturer of dog and cat food, found out what Russians pay attention to when choosing a diet for their pets and how they feel about pet food from domestic manufacturers.

Almost 90% of respondents reported that before purchasing food they check its ingredients and pay attention to the country of origin. At the same time, almost 60% of respondents make a choice in favor of Russian-made products. And another 67% are ready to replace their usual imported diet with a Russian brand. 47% of respondents admitted that their trust in Russian feed brands has increased over the past year.

The average budget for the purchase of animal feed does not exceed €30,51 per month. Half of the respondents answered this way. 19% of pet owners spend a little more – €30,51–40,69. The share of those who monthly purchase a diet worth more than €50,86 is 16%. The demand for high-quality specialized pet food is also growing: annually this figure increases by approximately 7–8%. These are the premium and super premium segments.

It turned out that about 28% of pet owners are people aged 35–55 years. Typically, millennials are the most likely generation to consider owning a pet.

A quarter of the respondents were young pet owners aged 25–34 years, and the same proportion was occupied by people aged 45–54 years.

According to company analysts, the cat remains the most popular pet: 68% of respondents live with them. However, there are also many dog owners: more than 56%. The third place in popularity among pets is occupied by rodents (8%). The ranking is completed by fish (7%), birds (5%) and reptiles (3.1%).

Most often, Russian families have at least one pet: this was confirmed by 47% of survey participants. 27% of respondents take care of two pets at once. However, the share of families with three or more animals is also high and amounts to 26%. Moreover, the latter figure increases annually: for example, in 2022 it reached 25%.

More than 1.5 thousand respondents from different cities of Russia took part in the survey. The majority of respondents were women, their share was 87%.

Photo: fabrikasimf/Freepik

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