A new factory in Petrozavodsk will produce black lion fly larvae

insect protein

Sergey Butenko, an entrepreneur from Tula, is opening a factory in Petrozavodsk for organic waste processing by black soldier fly larvae. Later on they will be processed into fertilizer as well as into protein for farm animal and pet food. Karelia Venture Capital Fund invested 10 million rubles (Euro 75.000) in the project.

The first developed product – hamster food based on insect protein – has already been approved by GOST certification. Sergey Butenko commented, that 10 kinds of food suitable for all small mammals have been developed including special rations for young and for pregnant female animals. The product is going to be available in St. Petersburg retail shortly and that will be the trial market for innovative food. Should the new products gain demand, the distribution chain will expand.

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