Russians Spend More on Veterinary Services, Reports Pochta Bank

Russians and Veterinary Services

According to Pochta Bank, its clients’ in Russia spendings on veterinary services in the first half of 2023 exceeded 120 million RRub (Euro 1,4 million), with a 20% increase compared to the same period in 2022. The average bill at vet clinics also rose by 10% to 1,400 RRub (Euro 17).

General pet spendings decreased though, reports Pochta Bank. The number of its cardholders’ purchases at pet stores dropped by 12%, with overall spending decrease by 5% to 490 million RRub (Euro 5,9 million). However, the average pet store receipt increased by 10%, totaling slightly over 790 RRub (Euro 9,5).

These findings are based on the analysis of Pochta Bank clients’ card transactions from January to June 2022 and 2023.

The veterinary service expenditure rise reflects a global trend, as pet owners in Russia increasingly recognize the importance of their pets’ health. This growth also signifies considerable progress in veterinary medicine. Innovative technologies allow for more accurate diagnoses and effective treatments of various ailments. Veterinary clinics, equipped with modern facilities and qualified staff, stand ready to provide high-quality care for animals.

Overall, the shift in expenditure habits of Russian pet owners towards veterinary services illustrates a significant development in the veterinary market in Russia, underscoring an increased focus on pet healthcare.

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