Kormotech and Collar awarded the Best Family Business in Ukraine


The Ukrainian division of the International Family Business Network (FBN International), which holds the competition “Best Family Business 2020”, announced the winners last week.

Kormotech company, a leading Ukrainian dog and cat food manufacturer, became the winner in the ‘Small business’ category.

Collar company, the manufacturer of innovative pet products with its products present in 70 countries, which celebrated its 25th anniversary earlier in December, won the award in the ‘Middle-sized business’.

“It was pretty much a surprise for us, – comments Yury Sinitsa, the founder and the owner of the company. – It’s an honour for my small family – my father and my brother with whom I started the company and who are still there. And it’s an honour for our big family, which is the Collar team. This is a credit to each of 500 team members working all over the world. And it’s a responsibility that motivates us to move forward and progress”.

The FBN International includes 4,000 family businesses from 65 countries. Each member of the organization takes part annually in Family Business Awards. Prizes in various categories go to companies that have shown the best results.

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